Study of Sweatcloth as an Object of Desire
Hand carved and polished Bianco Michelangelo marble
variable dimensions, life size

Location: Galerie Kandlhofer, Vienna, Austria, 2023

Study of Sweatcloth as an Object of Desire
Action 341
Poros Detention Facility
5 March 2020
Progression #94
Hand carved and polished Bianco Michelangelo marble
31 x 22 x 5 cm

Study of Sweatcloth as an Object of Desire
Action 347
PNP Custodial Center
16 January 1999
Progression #100
Hand carved and polished Bianco Michelangelo marble
31 x 22 x 8 cm

Study of Sweatcloth as an Object of Desire
Action 353
Irkutsk Detention Centre
13 October 2020
Progression #106
Hand carved and polished Bianco Michelangelo marble
31 x 23 x 7 cm

Study of Sweatcloth as an Object of Desire
Action 362
Roumieh Prison
16 November 1993
Progression #115
Hand carved and polished Bianco Michelangelo marble
41 x 27 x 6 cm

Photography Manuel Carreon Lopez